21 thoughts on “Random Lissajous Webs

  1. Corey

    I really enjoy where you’re going with the lissajous curves. It’s easily some of the most organic work you’ve posted here so far. Very special stuff. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Natalie Shell: think talk walk » Blog Archive » Some Design-Art-Code Stuff I Liked

  3. Pingback: Art From Code | Funk Shui

  4. Pingback: Two very cool things I saw today « personal works & inspiratons

  5. Matthew Durant

    Hi there,

    Im interested in this run of your that you have produced. Particularly what Application and code you have used to create these images? Could you please contact me. We might use this in an Add.

  6. Sebastian Monteaelgre

    How could I obtain a vector based copy of this artwork on any of the Adobe Platforms?

  7. Pingback: Generative Gestaltung | BIT-101 Blog

  8. ∆

    My body has such an intense and unsatisfying urge to jump through these webs in slow motion and just feel them tear apart like felt

  9. Pingback: Lissajous Webs | BIT-101

  10. Pingback: Random Lissajous Webs | Art From Code | Design That Sticks

  11. Pingback: Earlier on FFFFOUND! / EVERYONE « Automático

  12. Pingback: Generative Design Variations M.2.5 Drawing Lissajous figures | mycodehistory

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  14. Pingback: 2018 in Review – BIT-101

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