2 thoughts on “Node Bulge

  1. Amber Case

    Thank you for creating this image! I found it on I found it on http://spacecollective.org/gallery/, which is a site that collects interesting images that describe natural processes.

    I used your image in a recent speech I gave on prosthetic culture and cyborg anthropology. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=253TkE2OpCc#t=13m33s I was looking for an image that described the sine wave-like nature of attention in online communities and this image perfectly described a pattern I’ve seen in how online communities work. Normal conditions exist until something globalizing happens.

    In the case of Tehran, the network clumped together and conditions were normal but augmented by a unifying experience. Michael Jackson’s death did a similar thing. Once the crisis or event ends, there is still some runoff, but conditions turn back to normal. Nodes get far away as people specialize in their own local niches (the niches don’t have to be geographically local, but topically local – the idea of locality being annihilated by the ability for any topic in any place to jump from one continent to the other seamlessly).

    Online communities can function regularly, like Sine waves, or a form of sine wave that is not as regular. Multiple sine waves can run in and out as the topics of different communities phase in and out of each other. The sine wave of global topics functions differently than the sine wave of local topics. An online community is comprised of hundreds of thousands of sine waves that start and end on different phases. Some of them phase shift, and others synch up. There are many cross points and gravitation pulls. The image I presented was a more simplified version of what online communities look like.

    Thanks for your image, and please keep it up! I’m a fan of Mathematica, UltraFractal, MatLab, ect. Wonderful stuff here.

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