It looks great!
I know this might not be the place for it, but could you hint somewhere about how you output these? Are they all real-time in AS3?
Keep ’em coming.
It’s all drawing API in AS3. moveTo, curveTo. Then drawn to a 2880×2880 bitmap (max size in flash 9) and saved to hard disk via AIR.
It looks great!
I know this might not be the place for it, but could you hint somewhere about how you output these? Are they all real-time in AS3?
Keep ’em coming.
It’s all drawing API in AS3. moveTo, curveTo. Then drawn to a 2880×2880 bitmap (max size in flash 9) and saved to hard disk via AIR.
great works. any chance you release the sourcecode for this drawings?
One question – what time spent on render this image?
a minute or two. it builds up over time, so i stop it when it looks good.
no source code for this yet.